CEC submits final report on Odisha mining scam to Supreme Court. CEC says, 2130 lakh MT minerals excavated without obtaining environmental clearance.

This is the report by Central Empowered Committee (CEC) in response to the application filed before it by the Kudremukh Wildlife Foundation and others regarding alleged illegal diversion of forest lands for non-forest uses in the Western Ghats region in Karnataka.

The CEC set up the Supreme Court submitted this interim report on its investigation into illegal mining by various entities in Goa. It includes details about the loss to the environment and the economy by way of illegal mining.

Central Empowered Committee report (supplementary) dated 5th September, 2012 of the CEC regarding alleged illegal export of iron ore from Belekeri port and associated issues.

Central Empowered Committee (CEC) allowed ‘A category’ of mines in Karnataka to resume operations, provided all statutory approvals are in place. Read full text of this report dated 29 August 2012.

Report (Final) of the CEC regarding the mining leases surveyed by the joint team in districts Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur and related issues.

Full report available in the CSE Library.

Report of the Central Empowered Committeee (CEC) appointed by Supreme Court regarding illegal mining and other related activities in forest areas of Karnataka in response to the petition filed Samaj Parivartana Samudaya and others.

The report of the Central Empowered Committee (CEC) submitted to Supreme Court, recommending the cancellation of mining leases belonging to Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC), owned by Reddy brothers of Bellary.

Recommendations by the Central Empowered Committee on the writ petition filed by Nana Khamkar on windmills in Koyna.

Report by the Central Empowered Committee (CEC) submitted to the Supreme Court on alleged illegal mining by Obulapuram mining company in violation of the forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.