Enable Block: 

The water storage position in the four reservoirs of Cauvery basin in Karnataka in the current year is the lowest as compared to the last five

Luknow University has decided to step up the process of setting up a Jyotir Vigyan(astrology) department by the end of the month according to the University Grants Commission's recommendations. The

For the rural poor – who depend above all the land for their survival – a central development challenge is to sustain a base of natural capital that can support a robust local economy. In India, government mismanagement of forests, grazing lands, and water resources has often alienated rural people and exacerbated resource degradation.

Six years of litigation over the Sardar Sarovar dam comes to an end with the Supreme Court giving the go ahead to construction. The fate of those displaced by the dam still hangs in balance

The poorest people in urban India live in foul environs. Research from across the world shows that the poor stand greater risks of several cancers. Also, their chances of survival are extremely low as compared to those who come from the higher social str

There is overwhelming evidence that some of the common cancers target the poor

Some of the most common cancers in India are directly linked to poverty

Lung cancer is a result of the deadly cocktail of smoking, air pollution and poverty

There is a strange calmness in the oncology department of government hospitals though it is more crowded that most other sections. Everybody waits. Patiently. The cancer patients have a look of forbearance. Under pale skin, bodily deformities and a

the Clinton administration has proposed new rules to protect environmentally sensitive wetlands from rash deve
