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Society itself doesn’t care to know about headloading

The poverty ratio in rural areas dropped to nearly half between 1983 and 1999-2000. The proportion of the rural population living below poverty line, estimated at 45.65 per cent, has come down to

Rich countries need to more than double the $16 billion a year they have pledged to aid to help cut poverty around the world by 2015, and poor Asian countries and some African countries are most in

Tamil Nadu will soon reap the benefits of a World Bank sponsored poverty alleviation scheme, with an initial outlay of Rs 670 crores. The project, in the 'conception' stage now, is likely to commence

SC takes governments to task over tardiness in executing food based employment schemes following starvation deaths in Rajasthan

Islamic nations would soon launch a world wide initiative in assisting the youth from the weaker sections and the needy through education and training. The International Wakf Foundation, an offshoot

BEYOND MICRO-CREDIT . Thomas Fisher and M S Sriram . Published by Vistaar Publications . New Delhi . 2002 . Rs 340 Micro finance is fast catching up. As a development strategy, such finance is

The manner in which a recent exercise to identify the below poverty lien (BPL) population has been carried out has given rise to the impression that the West Bengal Government would like to underplay

www.env.go.jp/policy/hozen/green/ecolabel/index.html Shoppers in Japan are getting green advice online, thanks to the website launched by the Japanese environment ministry. The site aims at helping

Least developed countries LDCs are caught in a vicious cycle of debt and aid. Stiff and biased trade barriers by industrialised countries helps complete the exploitative bind
