Wood residues – the materials left over when trees are logged and processed – hold the potential to support resource-efficient energy access, revitalize rural economies and help mitigate climate change, according to this new report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Overall consumption of primary processed wood products is expected to grow 37 percent by 2050 in a business-as-usual scenario, according to this report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Hasmukh R. Shah Vs State of Gujarat dated 29/09/2020. The matter related to allegation of use of wood as a fuel by industries in Dahod, Gujarat. This generated carbon in the surrounding area, causing pollution.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Samvit Foundation Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 18/02/2020 regarding validity of proposal to establish more wood based industries/saw mills in the State of Uttar Pradesh without correctly determining availability of timber to sustain the same.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Hasmkh R. Shah Vs State of Gujarat dated 14/01/2020 regarding use of wood as a fuel in industrial area, Dahod, Gujarat generating carbon iand causing pollution. Gujarat State Pollution Control Board inspected 16 units and submitted a report in October 2019 stating that 8 industrial units have neither obtained Consolidated Consent and Authorization (CCA) nor provided with Air Pollution Control Management (APCM).

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Uday Education & Welfare Trust Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 01/10/2019 regarding grant of provisional licences for establishment of new wood based industries in Uttar Pradesh. It is stated that online recommendations are being considered for new licenses for wood based industries and order dated 11.09.2019 has been issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF), Lucknow for the purpose.

FAO has released a new edition of its Yearbook of Forest Products, which compiles production and trade statistics on basic forest products including wood, wood fuel, charcoal, pulp and paper across the globe.

Companies that use wood grown in Cameroon - from makers of guitars to electricity poles - are helping revitalise endangered tree species to better sustain their businesses and bolster the fight aga

Active forest management has helped to expand Sweden’s forested areas and thereby boost the country’s wood and bioenergy resource base. While about three-quarters of annual growth is harvested, those areas are replanted. The other quarter of each year’s growth is left in place to provide ongoing carbon uptake and maintain ecological stability.

This report presents a framework for strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of regulation of forestry and related sectors. It strives to identify and reduce regulatory burdens on private firms active in the forestry sector, while not compromising the objectives of government regulation.
