Gaborone — President Mokgweetsi Masisi has declared 2017/18 an arable agriculture drought year following the findings of the Botswana Vulnerability Assessment Committee (BVAC).

Despite heavy periodic downpour, North Eastern states including Meghalaya have received inadequate rainfall this season all because of climate change.

Vietnam is considering evacuating over 14,000 households in Hanoi amid concerns that recent heavy rains could inundate a flood-prone district in an outlying area of the Southeast Asian country’s ca

At least five people have been killed and over 95,000 people have been forced to flee their homes by widespread flooding in seven states and regions during the past week, the Disaster Management De

Heavy rains in Delhi may have brought with it water-logging and other problems for the residents of the national capital, but it has also brought a lot of good news too.

Heavy rains in Delhi may have brought with it water-logging and other problems for the residents of the national capital, but it has also brought a lot of good news too.

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are predicted to be sensitive to the increased temperature and altered precipitation associated with climate change. We assessed the effects of these factors on soil carbon dioxide (CO2) balance in biocrusted soils using a sequence of manipulations over a 9-year period. We warmed biocrusted soils by 2 and, later, by 4 ◦C to better capture updated forecasts of future temperature at a site on the Colorado Plateau, USA.

El Nahud / Kassala — At least three people died and hundreds of houses and shops collapsed due to the rains and torrents that swept through El Nahud in West Kordofan on Monday.

Heavy rains pummeled parts of the U.S. Southwest and mid-Atlantic on Tuesday, swelling floods that have forced evacuations, disrupted air travel and cut power.

The death toll from floods and landslides triggered by tropical storm Son Tinh rose to 27 on Tuesday, and seven people are still missing, the government’s Disaster Management Authority said.
