Enable Block: 

The School Health Programme (SHP) under Ayushman Bharat is a joint collaborative Programme of the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The programme targets both education and Health implementers and is envisaged to facilitate an integrated approach to health programming and more effective learning at the school level. SHP aims to foster growth, development and educational achievements of school-going children by promoting their health and well-being. It also aims to strengthen the concept of preventive, promotive and positive health.

As per data collected from the Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) and Department of Telecommunications (DoT) field units in 2019, it is estimated that 5,69,897 villages out of 5,97,618 inhabited villages in the country are covered by mobile services. State/Union Territory-wise list of number of covered and uncovered villages is given at Annexure. Mobile coverage in the uncovered villages in the country is being provided by the Government and TSPs in a phased manner.

The collection & management of solid waste in the country is being done by either Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) itself or through contractual workers or by Self Help Groups (SHGs). Under Swachh Bharat Mission – Urban (SBM-U), allocation of funds have been made for entire mission period of five years.echnology for dealing with urban waste is dependent upon the characteristics of the waste.

As per National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), Indian IT/ITeS industry employs 41.38 lakhs persons as of FY 2018-19(E), adding around 1.7 lakhs employees (including women) from previous year.

Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have informed that there are 33 (Thirty Three) established cases of adulteration of petrol and diesel in the country during last three years and current year (April- December, 2019). OMCs take acion as per Marketing Discipline Guidelines (MDG) and Dealership agreement against retail outlet dealers where cases of adulteration are established as per the provisions of Marketing Discipline Guidelines and Dealership Agreement subsisting between RO dealer and OMC.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on power generation from hydro power plants, 03/03/2020. The details of annual production target and real production from hydro power stations (above 25 MW) during the last five years is given.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on rise of infant mortality rate in India, 03/03/2020. As per Sample Registration System Report released in May, 2019, Infant Mortality Rate is 33 per 1,000 live births in 2017 in comparison to global average of 30 per 1,000 live births in 2017 as per UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation report.

As per directions of the Central Pollution Control Board relating to installation of Online Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (OCEMS) for 17 categories of highly polluted industries, 4245 units were identified for installation of the system. Of these identified 4245 units, 3513 units have installed the OCEMS as on July 31, 2019.

While regulating the use of RO system in the country, based on the TDS parameter, the concerned Local Bodies like Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Jal Nigam, Municipal Corporation, Jal Board, Municipalities, Private and Public sector agencies engaged in potable water supply, shall inform the consumers about the water sources and qual

There have been no observed instances of migration within the country that are directly attributable in any substantial measure to global warming of anthropogenic origin.
