The UN Commission on Human Rights adopts a resolution that will have direct bearing on the controversial Narmada clam in Gujarat.

The Union and Madhya Pradesh governments have been ruled culpable by a Rome-based tribunal of violating the rights of the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy. The Permanent People's Tribunal

Seeking to regain its political base among the tribals in western Madhya Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Party has switched from championing the World Bank-funded Narmada dam -- its policy when it was

When disaster struck the Tehri-Garhwal region in Uttar Pradesh last year, several voluntary agencies rushed in to offer rehabilitation services. The most popular form of assistance was to "adopt"

A voluntary group helps street children by organising them into associations and building a home for them.

Big Dams, Displaced People: Rivers of Sorrow, Rivers of Change
Edited by Enakshi Ganguly Thukral
Publisher: Sage Publications, Delhi
Price: Rs 120

Many groups across the country are working to educate the people on the importance of the laws that govern people's rights to natural resources.

TWICE-DISPOSSESSED Pong dam oustees have urged the Centre to sponsor tripartite talks between their representatives and the BJP governments of Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan to settle rehabilitation

DECEMBER 2 3 marks the eighth anniversary of the Bhopal gas leak the world's worst industrial disaster. More than 4,000 lives were lost and 6.4 lakh people injured when methyl isocyanate MIC gas leaked from the Union Carbide India Ltd plant. Si

Mea culpa, says vatican
