a global network of non-governmental organisations ( ngo s), business associations and scientific institutions has launched the World Council for Renewable Energies ( wcre ), to

The Bush administration unveils new energy policy with an intention to revive nuclear reactors and to build new plants. Joining hands with nuclear lobbyists the administration skips uncomfortable issues like nuclear power being costly, unsafe and environm

The US energy plan eulogises France as a safe nuclear success story, without understanding the French failure in managing nuclear waste

Australia banks on forest power to light up towns

Agricultural residues could help in the making of energy sufficient talukas

How industry can help in environment protection

Sugar mills need to invest only an additional Rs 2.3 crore to generate 1 MW of power, whereas conventional power generation from coal costs Rs 3 crore per MW, reports a task force constituted by the

Although small hydro electric schemes are considered ideal for remote hill villages, planners have overlooked crucial factors and not all villagers are happy

Efforts at realising the vastly untapped potential of hydel power in the country are hampered by lack of finances

Although small hydro projects are expensive, they are clean and renewable sources of energy and there is scope to reduce costs
