Wildlife authorities in Kenya have opened a new sanctuary for black rhinos in Tsavo East National Park.

Kenya Wildlife Service in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on June 26, 2018 commenced translocation of eight black rhinos from the Nairobi National Park to Tsavo East National Pa

Wildlife troopers shot dead three armed men in Kenya’s Mount Elgon National Park on Wednesday while two other suspected poachers were injured but escaped, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) said.

Armed with a dart gun in a helicopter hovering above Somkhanda game reserve in South Africa, the vet Dr Mike Toft has just shot a powerful cocktail of drugs into the massive white rhino below.

There has been a dramatic drop in the number of rhino poaching cases on privately owned game reserves in KwaZulu-Natal following an intensive de-horning project in the last three years.

Wildlife poachers in Kenya will face the death penalty, the country’s tourism and wildlife minister has reportedly announced.

There’s a new strategy to combat the illegal wildlife trade in Africa, and it relies on local communities and their role in curbing elephant, rhino and other wildlife trafficking.

The incident happened at around 6.30pm, where security at the sanctuary heard gunshots and rushed towards the direction of the sounds but failed to see the suspected poachers.

Six critically endangered black rhinos are being transported from South Africa to Chad, restoring the species to the country in north-central Africa nearly half a century after it was wiped out the

Entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson and conservationist Jane Goodall have joined a list of famous names who have signed an open letter to South Africa's government calling for an end to rhino poaching
