The death this month of 45 year-old Sudan, the last male northern white rhino on the planet, rings the alarm on the imminent extinction of other endangered animals.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Conservation of Rhinoceros, 23/03/2018. Rhinoceros in wild are found only in three States viz, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Census of Rhinoceros is undertaken at the Statelevel by the respective State Governments periodically. As per the information received from the above three state Governments, the estimation of rhinoceros population in 2015 is given in the Annexure.

Washington – A new US advisory board created to help rewrite federal rules for importing the heads and hides of African elephants, lions and rhinos is stacked with trophy hunters, including some me

The world’s last male northern white rhino has died, the Kenyan conservancy taking care of it said, leaving only two of its subspecies alive in the world.

MORIGAON: A total of 102 rhinos have been counted in Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary here during a census carried out by the state's forest department, a senior official said on Sunday.

Describing vocal repertoires represents an essential step towards gaining an overview about the complexity of acoustic communication in a given species. The analysis of infant vocalisations is essential for understanding the development and usage of species-specific vocalisations, but is often underrepresented, especially in species with long inter-birth intervals such as the white rhinoceros. Thus, this study aimed for the first time to characterise the infant and juvenile vocal repertoire of the Southern white rhinoceros and to relate these findings to the adult vocal repertoire.

South African ranchers launched an online market for rhino horn on Monday, saying the open trade would help squeeze poachers out of the business.

As the health of the world's last male northern white rhino declines in Kenya, a global team of scientists and conservationists is pushing ahead with an ambitious effort to save the subspecies from

Windhoek — According to the latest statistics, Namibia's anti-poaching unit is proving a success with the country only having recorded three cases of rhino poaching this year.

Kenya is experiencing a sharp decline in elephant and rhino poaching, a senior government official said on Tuesday.
