Question raised in Lok Sabha on electrification of villages, 03/12/2015. The details of un-electrified households/villages in the country are placed at Annex-I. For providing electricity to agriculture sector and electrification of un-electrified villages to give electricity access to un-electrified households, during the 12th Plan, projects amounting to Rs. 63,810 crores has been sanctioned so far under DDUGJY including the subsumed Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY). The state-wise amount sanctioned is given at Annex-II.

In a country where only 40% of people have access to grid electricity, the government is looking to sunshine to power health centres and homes

Although Africa has enormous energy resources, more than half of the continent’s population do not have any access to electricity and generation is often unable to meet the demand of those who do. Growth and poverty reduction will be constrained if this deficit continues.

'Electricity supply is really important for the development of a country. Without electricity, New York or Johannesburg would just be villages.'

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has approved $121 million loan and grant for Uganda to increase access to electricity in rural areas.

The federal government on Thursday in London boosted its power programme with the signing of an agreement with the United Kingdom on the use of solar energy to provide electricity to rural people.

Eight states already on board; Maharashtra to sign up soon

Centre plugs into power reforms to recharge distribution

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) region of 15 countries, with approximately 23.5 per cent of energy generated from renewables, is becoming a key player in the international trend towards developing renewable energy resources and energy efficiency, according to a new report.

The African continent could generate nearly a quarter of its energy needs through the use of indigenous, clean, renewable energy by 2030, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Kampala — Ministry of Finance and the German Development Cooperation have signed a Euro 10 million (about Shs40b) grant meant to finance electrification programme for rural communities.
