A new class of molecules could open a range of possibilities for storage of data on holograms

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently ruled that insurance companies in the US were not required to reveal blood test results which are used by them to determine the coverage

An informal banking scheme designed to assist the fisherwomen of Kerala has gained momentum within its short period of operation

Equipped with special sensor rays, this high grade counterfeit bill detector developed by the Japanese is capable of identifying even the most sophisticated fake bills

AS THE earth grows warmer, the battle between insurance and energy industries is heating up. The insurance executives have teamed up with international climate change experts. Around 60 big

PROVIDING yourself with an insurance cover may not be all that easy in the near future. Insurance companies are now looking at the prospect of genetic testing to weed out high risk people or else

The Swiss, trust them! have come up with a digital bank note aesthetic, state of the art and in copiable

The US-based Carrier Corporation has come up with what it claims is the world's first chlorine-free, non-ozone-depleting airconditioner. Carrier says that the new unit, Weathermaker 134a, uses

• FARNWAY, a farmers' cooperative in northeastern England, is all set to pave the way for bio-diesel-fuelled vehicles. It plans to run its cars and lorries on bio-diesel produced from rapeseed.

THE Grameen Bank - a rural credit scheme in Bangladesh - is making waves. The bank, the brainchild of economist Muhammad Yunus, advances loans to the poorest sections of the society and reached
