The contradications of our rural credit system are somehow camouflaged by the "achievements" of disbursed targets and, of recent, by the success of programmes like doubling of agricultural credit. The time has come when we need to seriously look into the emerging possibility of zero-credit based organisation of production by the small farmers' associations and their chances of joining with corporate capital. Oct-Dec 2007

The Micro Financial Sector (Development & Regulations) Bill 2007 has been under the scanner of late. The bill proposes to make the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (nabard) the

That health care facilities available to the poor are insufficient is common knowledge. According to a recent report of the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (assocham), 1,083

From now on, animals will be treated at par with human beings, at least when it comes to insurance claims in Rajasthan. In a recent judgement, Rajasthan High Court has adjudged the elephant as a

Very few water experts are aware that water resources and water services can be subject to the terms of investment and trade agreements. In fact, free trade agreements can blur the boundaries of national jurisdiction and the control of water resources and public utilities, often producing negative social and economic consequences. The project social water vision commissioned several papers to identify the links between investment, trade laws and water, and to discuss related issues.

This paper discusses recent trends in poverty concepts and suggest a locally adapted multidimensional model for measuring and monitoring poverty. The model comprises nested layers with subjective wellbeing in the centre surrounded by a core of health, wealth and knowledge, and a context that includes natural, economic, social and political spheres, as well as service and structural aspects.

public sector banks have long been chastised as the black sheep of the financial sector. But while a lot of experts might deride these institutions for their non-performing assets and lower

In 1995, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) instituted the banking ombudsman: a quasi judicial authority to address banking complaints. Dissatisfied bank customers have the option of approaching this

Hurricanes and other such events that disrupt energy supplies could provide a

This paper builds an analytical and practical framework for using resources more effectively by making services work for poor people.
