Following the Pol Pot era in Cambodia, the high levels of poverty, rapid urban growth and low level of community organization were exacerbated by an absence of government support for the poor. The Urban Poor Development Fund (UPDF) was established in 1998 to provide support to a growing number of community-based savings groups.

The public-private partnership model has emerged as the favoured model of project execution in India, especially in infrastructure, health and education. This article traces the theoretical underpinnings of PPP under a neoliberal, marketdriven and growth-oriented state. It describes the economic imperatives for public and private resource management and the case for PPP.

30 agreements to be signed; they violate public interest say activists the seventh round of free trade negotiations between India and EU held at Brussels in mid-July ended in a deadlock after the negotiators disagreed on the modalities of the agreement. Fresh talks will be held in November to thresh out details of the free trade agreement (fta) to ease movement of goods and open up

This paper tries to argue that terms such as

Budget 2009 claims to use fiscal expansion to prop up growth, but does it do enough on this score? (Editorial)

Market share of STUs is under great threat owing to the availability of number of alternative travel modes and acute competition available today. This cut throat competition necessitates greater focus on the customer to attract and retain him with STU.

The study fills the gap in existing literature by comparing the economic costs and environmental impacts of processes in four services companies in Europe and the United States. Process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) and the case study method are used to compare companies both on four global-scale impacts and on environmental intensity (impacts per unit cost).

The ongoing global financial and economic crisis has the potential to usher in a period of a global recession that may seriously undermine all countries

The positive association between the service sector share of output and per capita income is one of the best-known regularities in all of growth and development economics. Yet there is less than complete agreement on the nature of that association.

This paper examines the structure and direction of developing Asia
