The payment of wages into bank accounts for work carried out under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act has been suggested as a way to prevent embezzlement of funds. The practice has already begun in a few districts. Is this a foolproof system to control corruption? The early experience from a few blocks in Orissa suggests that this process is not free from its own problems. April 26-May 2, 2008

The 2007 National Policy on the Voluntary Sector aims at creating an enabling environment for voluntary organisations and facilitating their partnership with the government. But it suffers from a major lacuna in that it fails to comprehensively address the central aspects of autonomy, credibility and the nature of partnership itself. Instead of assisting the voluntary sector to take on roles distinct from and complementary to the state's development agenda, it encourages activities commensurate with state approaches. April 19-25, 2008

This paper tracks the organizational and financial history of the Integrated Village Development Project (IVDP) and the self-help group (SHG) network it supports in Tamil Nadu, India.

Though the Union Budget was hailed as being farmer-friendly, a closer scrutiny reveals that it gives much less to villagers and the weaker sections of society than what appears at first glance. The media was quick to highlight the loan waiver for small farmers but it chose to ignore the fact that the budget for the crucial rural employment guarantee scheme had not been raised to any significant extent despite its expansion from 330 to 596 districts. (April 2008)

The rapid growth of India's exports of commercial services during the period 2000-2006, from US $ 16 billion to US $ 72.8 billion, and of India's share in world exports from 1.1 per cent to 2.7 per cent provides ample evidence of India's international competitiveness in the services sector as a whole. However, calculations of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) show falling RCA in respect of travel (tourism) and transportation (of which shipping is the major component) and accelerating RCA in

Using panel data for the fourteen major states of India over the 1980-2000 period, the authors estimate the effect of human capital endowment on the performance of the state economies. They find that greater availability of skilled workers had a positive and significant impact on output in the service sectors. They do not find any such effect for the manufacturing sectors. The paper shows that the differential effect on services and manufacturing arises because service sectors are more skill intensive.

The question as to what levels of services ought to be provided and maintained in the urban areas of various sizes, dimensions and economic activities has been debated at various forum. It has been observed that fixing norms and standards for basic urban services is an extremely complex and critical task.

This report analyzes the corporate governance and strategic approaches of 40 of the world’s largest banks to the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change. This report is designed as a benchmarking tool that highlights climate change best practices within the financial sector. It employs a “Climate Change Governance Checklist” to evaluate the 40 selected banks in their approaches to climate change in five governance areas: board oversight; management execution; public disclosure; GHG emissions accounting; and strategic planning.

Statistical Handbook, West Bengal provides handy information on salient features of various socio-economic aspects of the state.

Credit is one of the important inputs for rural development. The results will largely depend on the effective use of credit, and linkages developed with other requirements for the enterprise. The study on rural credit from various agencies such as commercial banks, regional rural banks, cooperative banks and District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) under poverty alleviation programmes is carried out in two blocks of Hisar district of Haryana. Oct-Dec 2007
