• Violin-makers may soon have to use plastic instead of rare hardwoods, according to the Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, UK. Supplies of pernambuco, used to make violin bows, and impigo,

AS MANY as 2,000 scientists from former East Germany, who found themselves jobless after the country's behemoth research system was pruned, are now being denied promised university positions, as the

YOU CAN now bank on the environment -- at least at the nine Punjab National Bank (PNB) branches that will underwrite projects friendly to both customers and the environment. In a trend-setting move,

The dons of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) have devised a way to get around cuts imposed by the University Grants Commission's in fund allocations that threaten teaching and research programmes in

The responsibility of municipalities to provide crucial services is being increasingly passed on to the resident welfare associations located in middle and upper middle class areas in cities. Similar tools of intervention are absent in the slums and low-income neighbourhoods and even the local ward committees fail to represent their needs and aspirations.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is developing in-depth indicators of energy use, efficiency trends and CO2 emissions. This latest publication provides a summary of the key results of the indicators work so far and shows how this can be used to identify the factors driving and restraining the demand for energy. Also explains why there are differences in energy intensities amongst countries.

Governments in many countries are increasingly aware of the urgent need to make better use of the world's energy resources. Improved energy efficiency is often the most economic and readily available means of improving energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To support better energy efficiency policy-making and evaluation, the International Energy Agency is developing in-depth indicators of energy use, efficiency trends and CO2 emissions. This publication provides a summary of the key results of the indicators work so far.

Conventional thinking has it that combating climate change will be a drain on the global economy. But Barclays Capital, a leading investment bank in the us, has recently said that combating

A recent report by environment groups has blamed Chinese banks for investing in environment-unfriendly and controversial projects within the country as well as in developing nations. The

>> Viacom on March 13 slapped a billion-dollar lawsuit against Google and its affiliate YouTube in New York. It accuses the video-sharing website of massive copyright infringement. It alleges that
