Gangtok: The fear of spread of bird flu in different areas of Sikkim was allayed as the blood samples of chickens who had died recently at Maaling in North district tested negative in the Animal Disease Diagnostic laboratory in Bhopal, an animal husbandry department official said on Thursday.



Health Ministry Rushes Team
Kounteya Sinha | TNN

New Delhi: The Union health ministry has rushed a three-member team from the National Institute of Communicable Diseases to Sikkim after it became the third state in the country to report an outbreak of the deadly H5N1 bird flu this year.

West Bengal and Assam are already reeling under an outbreak.


Gangtok, Jan. 19: Confirming outbreak of bird flu in Sikkim

The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation is implementing a Centrally-sponsored Scheme on Technology Mission for integrated development of horticulture in North- eastern States (TMNE) including Sikkim since 200-02.

Sikkim is not self-sufficient in food production due to limited land availability for cultivation and lower level of productivity affected by constraining mountain specificities such as inaccessibility, fragility and marginality. The people are rich in indigenous knowledge on bio-resources and supplemented their food from the wild plants and animals in the beginning.

Traditional medicine, based largely on herbs, still supports the primary healthcare of more people worldwide than

The non-professional volunteers are commonly used in biodiversity assessment due to lack of experts. The bird identification skills of indigenous Lepcha community have been recognized and the accuracy of data generated by them has been assesed. Bird sampling was done using point count method along the transects in three locations in Dzongu, North Sikkim. Two observers, a trained ‘researcher’ and a local Lepcha folk referred as citizen scientist independently sampled birds (species by former and varieties by the latter).
