Sustained reduction in urban poverty requires high income growth, an inclusive urban policy focused on a functioning land and housing market, adherence to the JNNURM protocol, and a dedicated mission to make cities slum-free - this is the conclusion of a study undertaken to produce

Now residents of a Bhopal colony fill water under police watch THE beat police in a slum colony of Bhopal

Mumbai Owners of private land pockets in Dharavi that have so far been kept out of the purview of the Rs 15,000 crore Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP), can now avail of higher vertical limit in case they decide to be part of the project.

A presentation of an ethnography of the relationship between urban spaces, new cultures of consumption, the state, and the making of middle class identities in India. Firstly, the discussion explores the making of new urban spaces by focusing upon the Akshardham Temple complex on the banks of the Yamuna river in Delhi.

Rs 1.5 lakh Central assistance to be given to each family.

Conditional aid

Assistance is, however, conditional upon the State governments concerned assigning property rights to slum-dwellers.

Harish Damodaran, New Delhi, June 23

MUMBAI: Ignoring their own economic survey which said that outsiders were a burden on the infrastructure, the Congress-led Democratic Front government is all set to extend the cut-off date for slum rehabilitation from January 1, 1995 to January 1, 2000. This will be the third extension of the deadline, first set for 1985, and will make all pre-2000 squatters eligible for free housing.

Sanjeev Sanyal / June 11, 2009, 0:25 IST

India needs to urbanise more quickly and this can be done by making smaller urban centres a magnet for rural migration.

Mumbai Just when it appeared that the long-delayed Dharavi Redevelopment Project was on track, it has hit another obstacle, in the form of a strongly-worded letter from a government-appointed committee of experts to the government, recommending that the project management consultant, Mukesh Mehta, be immediately removed.

Over 50,000 people are still living on the dangerous slopes of hills in the port city risking their lives to fall an easy prey to landslide in the upcoming rainy season.

Greeshma Gopal Giri | ENS

th the plans of developing the high speed corridor taking shape, slum dwellers in about 40,000 settlements ha Wiith the plans of de eloping the high speed corridor taking s in about ave ra sed relocated concern over being relocat aisedi
