AUSTRALIA is planning to resurrect hemp or Cannabis sativa, the -crop which once grew aplenty in the continent but was later abandoned by most farmers. Its high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Smoking cigarettes could soon become the leading cause of adult death in the world

Now in the US if a passenger lights up during a flight, the purser may sue the manufacturer for "health problems" caused by passive smoking. The ruling, passed by a Miami judge, has triggered off a

A piece of good news for those who cannot give up smoking -- take a lot of vitamin C and you could avert heart and lung diseases caused by cigarette smoke (Nature, Vol 370, No 6489). A team of

A pregnant woman exposed to cigarette smoke can pass on the harmful smoke constituents to the foetus

Studies suggest smoking protects against diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, but many scientists and funding agencies are not convinced.

* PATENT wars are heating up. British drug manufacturer Glaxo has won one patents case against a Canadian manufacturer, but faces a second against another. Both claim Glaxo's products -- stable and

WITH TOBACCO generating nearly $196 million annually just for fourth-ranked Virginia, the effect of smoking on lungs abroad is best ignored. Thousands of jobs in Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky

INCREASING the level of oxygen in blood could cure impotency in humans because it would stimulate production of nitric oxide, which causes penile tissue to relax and better engorge blood from the

The oxidising property of cigarette and chulha smoke is one of the factors being linked by researchers to the formation of eye cataract.
