Outdoor air pollution contributed to 1.2 million premature deaths in China in 2010, nearly 40 percent of the global total, according to a new summary of data from a scientific study on leading caus

Jammu and Kashmir is fast emerging as the smoking capital of North India. The monthly spending on tobacco products far outstrips the national average.

New Delhi: The new law making it mandatory for all tobacco products to carry stricter pictorial warnings came into force on Monday but its implementation was not visible on the ground.

Maternal smoking during pregnancy (SDP) seems associated with reduced birthweight in the offspring. This observation, however, is based on conventional epidemiological analyses, and it might be confounded by unobserved maternal characteristics related to both smoking habits and offspring birth weight. Therefore, we apply a quasi-experimental sibling analysis to revisit previous findings. Using the Swedish Medical Birth Register, we identified 677,922 singletons born between 2002 and 2010 from native Swedish mothers.

The Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), which conducted comprehensive research on Non-Communicable Diseases in Sri Lanka, has revealed that 36 per cent of the total population in the co

Internet cafes, entertainment venues and restaurants remain the three worst places for implementing the city's smoking ban in public places, according to a report.

Moscow—Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that will ban smoking in most public places and restrict cigarette sales in the world’s second-largest tobacco market after China.

MARGAO: The South Goa District Task Force Committee has set March 31 as the time-frame to make the entire district “smoke free district”.

District Collector, N D Agrawal said the deadline set by the Task Force Committee can be achieved with the cooperation and participating of citizens from the district. “When we mean smoke free district, it implies a stop to smoking in public places”, he said. In this respect, the Task Force constituted under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, production, supply and distribution) Act, 2003 (COTPA), will hold series of exhibitions at the taluka level on February 22 from 9 am to 6 pm.

Sri Lanka Court of Appeal will tomorrow deliver the verdict of a case over displaying graphic images of cancer on the packets of cigarettes.

“Insensitive attempt to create awareness about cervical cancer”

Is the Delhi Government promoting moral policing in the name of health education? That is the question to which women activists and students have demanded an answer, pointing to the Delhi Government roadside banners that blame “immoral sex” for cervical cancer. Stating that these banners are an “insensitive” attempt by the Delhi Government to create awareness about cervical cancer, a Jawaharlal Nehru University student Radhika said: “These banners that have been placed at various places in Delhi are for public education, but to state that ‘immoral sex’ is responsible for cervical cancer in women is tactless and highly offensive.’’
