इंडस्ट्रियल हब के लोगों को क्रोनिक ऑब्स्ट्रक्टिव पल्मोनरी डिजीज (सीओपीडी) अपनी चपेट में ले रही है। इंडस्ट्रियल हब में औद्योगिक इकाइयों के कारण होने वाला वायु प्रदूषण, फैक्ट्रियों से निकलने वाली विष

Health Committees will be set up in all state institutions and schools from January 1 to control tobacco and smoking.

As elsewhere, in South Korea electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are marketed, in part, as a smoking cessation aid. We assessed the prevalence of e-cigarette use among Korean adolescents and the relationship between e-cigarette use and current (past 30-day) smoking, cigarettes/day, attempts to quit conventional cigarettes, and ceasing to use cigarettes.

In a survey of 1836 adult US smokers, when using a direct comparison measure, 22.1% reported snus was less harmful than were cigarettes. When asked indirectly (estimating the health risk of snus and cigarettes in 2 seprate questions and comparing the answers to each other), 51.6% rated snus as less risky. The Food and Drug Administration should consider both direct and indirect measures when perceived risk data are presented as evidence for tobacco regulations.

The High Court on Monday directed the State government to strictly implement the Cotpa Act, 2003—which prohibits advertisement and regulation of tobacco business—and punish the violators accordingl

No Exercise, Alcohol & Bad Diet Raise Risk Of Heart Attack

New Delhi: Better education and socioeconomic status have had little impact on the health profile of Delhi’s young, the results of a year-long survey conducted on young adults by city cardiologists to assess risk factors for heart disease vis-à-vis smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, hypertension and diabetes seem to indicate.

Patients with kidney disease have been reported from Jaffna and several other areas in the country, a Health Ministry spokesman said.

Speakers at a discussion yesterday disclosed that some 60,000 people die and 12 lakhs become cripple due to diseases caused by smoking every year.

These will be dubbed in 16 languages for pan India coverage

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will be replacing two anti-tobacco health spots with new ones titled--‘Child’ and ‘Dhuan’. The change will be effective from October 2. These spots will be dubbed in 16 languages for a pan India coverage.

It is estimated that 3 lakh women die across the world each year from heart attacks. It kills, in fact, six times as many women as breast cancer does.
