MUMBAI: A close-up of India's tuberculosis epidemic shows, for the first time, how a million of the now 2.8 million TB patients go 'missing' or never show up in the Revised National TB Control Prog
Children and the elderly are the worst hit by environment-related diseases, said the World Health Organisation's Preventing Disease through Healthy Environments report released on Tuesday.
MUMBAI: The fight against pediatric TB acquired an edge on Wednesday when the World Health Organisation (WHO) unveiled strawberry- and raspberry-flavoured medicines customised for children, at a co
A medical study conducted in Mumbai and its satellite towns of Navi Mumbai and Thane showed that youngsters formed the bulk of patients suffering from multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB).
More Indian women than men are diagnosed with cancer every year. It is reflected in insurance statistics that show more women in our cities claim medical insurance for cancer treatment.
Bedaquiline, the first anti-tuberculosis (TB) drug manufactured in almost 50 years, not only worked on severely ill patients in the city but it did so without affecting their hearts.