Millions of dollars are being spent annually to treat patients with two

Doctors know that children whose mothers smoke have a higher risk of smoking during their adolescence, but they are yet to find out why. However, a recent study says it probably involves the learning

Can t quit smoking? Try GVG, the new give up smoking drug

Brain scans confirm what smokers insist: cigarettes improve concentration. Elizabeth Quattrocki of the McLean Hospital in USA, asked four smokers not to smoke for 24 hours. Using functional magnetic

Unholy smokeWith a cigarette in your hand you would be a dead man. Yes, by the time you would have finished reading this particular box, smoking would have claimed another six lives across the

women who smoke, have a 50 per cent higher risk of dying from heart attack than men who smoke, say researchers. The likely reason given is that tobacco smoke has an adverse effect on the

A chemical compound responsible for creating nicotine addiction among smokers has recently been identified. Like many other drugs, the addictive elements of nicotine are linked with its capacity to

Low-tar, filter-tipped cigarettes have only increased the incidence

Treatment with an anti-depressant drug can help smokers give up the habit. People who smoke are more likely to have depression than non-smokers. Richard Hurt and his colleagues of Mayo Clinic in

a battery-powered electronic cigarette holder, the first of its kind, is being tested in the us . The device eliminates smoke and ashes from the ends of cigarettes. Developed by us
