With the suspended particulate matter (SPM) touching alarming levels even in residential areas, air pollution has once again become a cause of concern for the city.

A survey conducted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) revealed that this year's SPM levels were far higher than what they were in the past three years.

Frenzied constructions ahead of the Commonwealth Games may be responsible for the Capital getting dimmer, smoggier, and unhealthier.

Deepa H Ramakrishnan
NOT MANY TAKERS: A computerised vehicle emission checking centre in the city.

Orissa accounts for about 98% of the total proved chromite (chromium ore)reserves of the country, of which about 97% occur in the Sukinda Valley, over an area covering approximately 200 sq. km., in the Jajpur district. Presently there are 14 chromite mines operating in Sukinda. Out of these, one mine, Mahagiri Chromite Mines (IMFA) has started its operation of mining lumpy

Suspended particulate matter (SPM), dust, fumes and gases from cement production can result in a range of health effects to households living around factories. This study estimates the health costs associated with air pollution from a cement factory in the district of Puttalam in Sri Lanka.

Smog in the city and fog at the airport on Diwali made breathing by night and flying by morning hazardous.

Flight services at Calcutta airport were grounded on Wednesday morning as a fog blanket enveloped the runway, lowering visibility to 50 metres at 6.50am.

Hyderabad, Sept. 30: More and more traffic police personnel in the city are suffering from asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory disorders because of severe air pollution. The level of suspended particulate matter in the city air is higher than the national average and traffic cops, who are in the thick of it, face much of its detrimental effects.

Central Pollution Control Board has been entrusted with the responsibility of preparation of nation-wide plans for control of air pollution under the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. For rational planning of pollution control strategies, scientific information is needed on nature, magnitude and adverse health effects of air pollution.

Hyderabad, July 21: Air pollution levels in the city are shooting up rapidly because of the exponential rise in the number of vehicles. "On an average, 600 new vehicles are entering our roads every day," said a senior transport official. This has been causing the air pollution to go beyond acceptable levels. For instance, the total suspended particulate matter (TSPM) in the air should be 200 milligram per cubic metre but the average value being recorded in the twin cities is 280 milligram per cubic metre.

Hyderabad is on the move not just on the progressive front but also in terms of pollution. The levels of dust, water and sound pollution in the city are alarming and increasing by leaps and bounds every year. According to the state Pollution Control Board, the total suspended particulate matter (TSPM), which denotes the dust levels in the city, has increased from 241 ug/m to 254 ug/m since last year.
