Although the recently held world population summit emphasised population control in the developing countries as the main block in the path to development, some delegates held the consumption patterns of the developed countries responsible for the problems

Several organisations, at home and abroad, are promoting organic farming as a method of food production that is both ecologically and socially sustainable.

A unique database on mangroves -- the Mangrove Ecosystem Information Service (MEIS) -- developed by the Centre for Research in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (CRSARD) in Madras, will

Environmental literature plays an important role in moulding innocent minds to think and understand green.

By asserting the sovereignty of the right to control their tropical forests, more than 40 developing countries are gearing up to counter the North's attempts to regulate deforestation

The Delhi Declaration on forest management, conservation and sustainable development, adopted at the first ministerial conference of the forestry forum of developing countries, calls upon the international community to:

Various international fora and mechanisms have been formed to check deforestation, but tropical forest countries have always been wary of them, fearing interference by the North

URBAN Villages studies reasons for the breakdown of community ties and traces the genesis of social unrest in our cities and towns. It's interesting to observe how this happens in places where new

The developing world needs to define what the South represents, for otherwise it risks its legitimacy as a negotiating bloc

Union environment minister Kamal Nath talks to Down To Earth about India's environment strategy and the attitude of Western nations towards environmental problems.
