WHATEVER happened to the North-South wrangle on the consumption issue? Two grandiose international meets are around the corner: on population next fortnight, and on social development 6 months later.

Local decision making and an integrated approach towards nature hold the key to planning for a sustainable future

Environmental management invariably raises complex and difficult issues. Economists usually tend to differ with environmentalists. While economists tend to look at the short-term, environmentalists

WOLFGANG Sachs, born in 1946 in Munich, studied theology, sociology and history and taught at the University of Berlin for several years. At the end of the 1970s, he set up a research group called Energy and Society at the Technical University of Berlin,

Despite numerous proclamations of eco friendliness and a deluge of treaties, not much was done in 1993 to make fuelwood and clean water easily accessible to the poor

A SUSTAINABLE society is one that is prepared to monitor the impacts of its activities carefully, openly and democratically, analyse them and use its wisdom and knowledge to solve problems. The

The North-South divide is not a fabrication: for three-fourths of the world, it is a fact of daily existence. Ignoring it will not make it disappear but only exacerbate the wounds.

Self sustaining rural communities could be India's answer to her disrupted ecosystem.

Claiming their own, villagers of Seed in Rajasthan have blazed a path to eco sustainable resource use.

A tongue in cheek report of a conversation overheard at a bar during a meeting of the Commission for Sustainable Development.
