Even as the South continues to insist on Western nations fulfilling their Rio promise to increase aid, fund flows are decreasing.

A typical PALM exercise takes about five days and includes the following: Day 1: Introductory The focus is on understanding the history of the village, its layout and the infrastructure

MYRADA moves a step forward in rural appraisal programmes, emphasising the necessity of involving villagers in their own development.

With many members of India's much appreciated delegation to the 1992 Earth Summit being posted to other duties, lndia needs to plan now to face the "her tagemlions ahead.

Friends of the Earth FOE in Netherlands has been fighting unsustainable lifestyles in the world's affluent societies by campaigning vigorously for sustainable development. Manus Van Brakel, who looks after FOE's Third World operations, talked to Down To

The environment ministry is in trouble in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, where it has violated timber extraction limits.

The reluctance of financial institutions to be made answerable will stymie progress on implementing the Earth Summit agreentents.

The Mukti Sangharsh Movement is teaching farmers in Maharashtra's sugar belt scientific methods of moving from single crop, fertiliser intensive sugarcane cultivation to rotational and more sustainable agricultural patterns.

There are several reasons why the UN finds itself bereft of power today. Part of the crisis results from the cash-strapped organisation"s own weakness. Another significant factor is the increasing influence of the World Bank, IMF and GATT on global econom

Global environmental concerns throw open the South to Northern intervention, whereas the South has limited interest in intervening in Northern affairs. After Rio, the South finds all the cards stacked against it.
