
Activists are fighting the Rajasthan Board for Prevention and Control of Pollution's sudden decision to clear the Pesticides India Ltd factory at Udaipur hint the reason behind the reversal is political

Low water prices have been pinpointed as being responsible for wasteful consumption by both domestic and industrial consumers, but what does the government propose to do about it?

Higher rates have to be charged if the Indian paper industry is to learn a much needed lesson in water conservation.

Faced with a water shortage, Madras Refineries Ltd has opted for cleaning up sewage water and recycling its own effluents to meet its water needs.

Balotra, an arid little town in Rajasthan, has a novel way of raising money to treat effluents from its mushrooming textile dyeing and processing industry.

The Centre for Science and Environment recently interviewed a number of environmental experts, industrialists and economists to come up with a list of suggestions for green taxes and financial incentives:

Insects introduced to curb the spread of water hyacinths are avoiding feeding on those weeds that have been contaminated by toxic metals

YUGOSLAV engineers are working desperately to ease the pressure on a damaged dam in Montenegro, to prevent the release of millions of tonnes of toxic mining sludge into the Danube and

THIS RESOURCE guide to environmental action by women's groups and communities in the Asian Pacific region offers an excellent introduction to the issues involved, addressing all readers and not just

Polluters of the environment are now increasingly being regarded as criminals. In New Jersey, there's a new breed of police personnel who are authorised to book them
