
as many as 14 children suffered burns on November 3, 2006, when toxic material was allegedly dumped by Berger Pakistan (Pvt) Limited in Rahimshah graveyard in Orangi town in Karachi. The children

the draft environmental impact assessment (eia) notification has been available for comment on the Union ministry of environment and forests (moef) website for almost a year now. Consequently, moef

Yet another white paper but little work on the ground

kandla mishap: 15 labourers were killed on June 29, 2006, at the Kandla port in Gujarat, when a Cyprus flag ship M V Pontonostos collided with the Anchor Handling Barge. The accident occurred in

green flag to blue lady: The Supreme Court, on June 5, 2006, gave the green light to the French cruise liner S S Norway, a k a Blue Lady, to enter Indian territorial waters and permitted it to

The cleaning up of a toxic waste site discovered in the Tuzla district of Istanbul, Turkey, was suspended temporarily due to a gas leak. Hundreds of barrels, suspected to contain carcinogens, were

jn-nurm gets a chair: The Union ministry of urban development has appointed Ramesh Ramanathan, founder of Janaagraha, a citizens' movement on participatory democracy, as the honorary national

Reminiscences from a visit to Alang about 10 years back

The us- based transnational New

By the time you read this, the decision would have been taken: to allow or not to allow the French warship Le Clemenceau into India, so that it can be dismantled with unknown quantities of toxic
