Trees and groundwater

micropropagation: Researchers at the Aligarh Muslim University led by M Anis have developed a new tissue culture method to propagate bijasal ( Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.), an important tree,

SFR 2003 comprises of seven chapters and a number of annexures. The introductory chapter gives historical information, highlights important features of the report, describes various concepts and explains several important terms used in this report. The chapter on forest cover describes methodology and results of forest cover assessment.

For the first time, scientists have compiled a database of gene sequences in a tree. Comprehensive research on trees is a difficult affair given their long lifespan and complex genetic make-up. This

Plant growth rate determines their vulnerability to changes

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia: the battle over logging Tasmania's old growth trees continues. Even as Labour leader Mark Latham

Landholders want tree rights

simple remedy: Garlic not only keeps the vampires at bay, but also pests such as slugs and snails, which cause millions of dollars worth of damage in countries with cool or temperate climates.

But for timely intervention by environmentalists, the West Bengal government would have signed the death warrant of whatever little greenery is left in the state's non-forest areas. The West Bengal

An open letter to the Prime Minister
