Tuticorin: A group of residents residing in wards 20, 34 and 35 here staged a protest in front of the Corporation seeking to shift the sewage treatment plant reportedly being constructed in the residential area as part of the ongoing underground drainage project.

TUTICORIN: A group of residents from wards 20, 34 and 35 submitted petition to Collector G. Prakash on Monday seeking his intervention to shift the sewage treatment plant reportedly being established amidst the residential area as part of the ongoing underground drainage project undertaken by the corporation.

S M Arun | ENS

Tuticorin: The Indian Coast Guard Station, Tuticorin, has organised a

Intervention of the district administration is needed, say farmers

STIR:Farmers who staged a demonstration in Tuticorin on Monday.


Vilathikulam, in Tuticorin district, being drought prone most of the year, forced many farmers till a few years ago to either sell their lands or leave them barren.

But today more than 600 farmers in the region are successfully growing different crops ranging from sunflower to chillies, using low cost input technologies called Panchagavya (PG) for raising their crops.

FOR A CAUSE:Members of the Akila Indhiya Samthuva Makkal Katchi who submitted a petition in Tuticorin on Monday.

Tuticorin: Members of the Akila Indhiya Samthuva Makkal Katchi said that due attention was not being given to protected drinking water supply.

J. Praveen Paul Joseph

Tuticorin: Seaweed cultivation reduces impact of global warming, as it has the ability to absorb carbon dioxide, according to M. Sakthivel, president, Aquaculture Foundation of India, Chennai.

Seaweeds containing 62 minerals and having medicinal values is a wonder plant of the sea.

The paper highlights impact of environmental pollution on Health. The present study has been taken up in Tuticorin industrial town area. Major industries numbering 12 established in the district. They are engaged in the production of cotton, staple yarn, caustic soda, PVC Resin, fertilizers, soda ash, carbon-di-oxide gas in liquid etc., The important major industries are sterlite, SPIC, Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals, Dharangadhra chemicals work, Madura coats, Kilburn chemicals industries.

Tuticorin: Tamil Nadu Integrated Agriculture Modernization and Water bodies Restoration Management (TN-IAMWARM) has been implementing a scheme with the assistance of the World Bank in the Shencottaiyar sub-basin at Vilathikulam taluk in Tuticorin district.
