When the executive fails, people seek redressal from courts. In some cases, the courts have merely put the seal of approval on the actions of citizens' pressure groups. In others, the remedies have only addressed the problems in part. The earth still bl

The desolation around Udaipur in Rajasthan is giving way to vegetation through the efforts of cooperative societies

Three years after a public interest litigation case was filed in the Supreme Court to stop a local factory polluting its drinking water, the wells in Bichhri, a hamlet in Udaipur district, continue to be full of contaminated water. Why is public interest

PIL allows a citizen to move a court on behalf of persons who are unable, because of poverty or disability, to seek judicial redressal

• Sanitation in Ratlam: In a landmark judgement in 1980, the Supreme Court explicitly recognised the impact of a deteriorating urban environment on the poor. It linked basic public health

What the Constitution of India has to say in connection with public interest litigation

WHILE contaminated water has occupied centrestage in Udaipur for many years, the Pesticides India plant has been insidiously emitting odorous gases for almost as long. The plant manufactures

Nanuram Rawat was the adhyaksha of the gram sabha in Seed, one of the first gramdan villages where environmental resources have been regenerated through community management

The study was under taken with an objective to assess the impact of self-developed Environmental information empowerment package (EIEP) on environment protection through gain in knowledge of farm families. The present study was conducted in rural areas of Rajasthan. A sample of a mixed group of 30 willing farm men and women were identified data was collected by the self-developed questionnaire.

I once saw a miracle. It was near a ragged wall of broken rocks near Udaipur. One side of the wall had patches of yellowing grass, not taller than an inch, with the occasional dry stalk. The other side, protected from goats by the wall, was a sea of green
