29 Sep 2014


The focus on current and per capita emissions has not led to the desired results




The IEA has released a video, specifically for you, our next generation of leaders! Follow along as Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven narrates the journey of her own life and the development of the IEA, set in the context of the global community's journey in understanding and addressing the urgent issue of climate change

10 Sep 2014

A framework for updating the Climate Treaty

MukulSanwal [1]

Tue, 2014-09-23 (All day)
17 Feb 2014

The US submission on elements of the post-2015 agreement is a good basis for further deliberation by countries, as it is exhaustive with only some elements needing to be debated for a global consensus.


01 Feb 2013

For growing economies the stress has to be on patterns of natural resource use and not on the status of natural resources; that is, dealing with the causes rather than the symptoms of the problem of climate change. The time has come for rapidly growing Asia to distinguish between the global, regional and national aspects of climate policy, recognize the linkages and shape the deliberations for the new climate regime by taking substantive measures at home.

05 Oct 2012

The task for global governance in dealing with climate change is to focus on the interconnectedness between carbon dioxide emissions, standards of living and global ecological limits. The interdependence between countries makes the global commons, or carbon sinks, a shared economic resource as well as an unprecedented global environmental crisis, because economic growth worldwide increases the atmospheric concentration of energy-trapping gases, thereby amplifying the natural "greenhouse effect" that makes the Earth habitable.

18 Jul 2012

The underlying issue is not trade rules but the global climate regime

The concerted opposition to the EU push towards forcing foreign airlines landing in Europe to become a part of its emissions trading scheme has led to an unexpected development, whose implications extend to setting the global climate agenda.

14 May 2012

As all countries take actions to reduce emissions the unresolved question is to what extent fairness will be the basis for international cooperation
