Yes, but negotiations are not

Since entry into force of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994, negotiations on controlling future greenhouse gas emissions have turned into one of the largest development issues of our time.

For more than a decade, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) has provided critical support to developing countries for fighting global environmental problems such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity. But recent developments do not bode well for the ability of the GEF to continue playing its pivotal role in support of implementing multilateral environmental agreements.

In Kyoto, in 1997, nations of the world agreed the Clean Development Mechanism cdm was a competent way to combat climate change. The process would assist developed countries in lightening their burden of excessive greenhouse g

Subsidiary bodies meet before COP/MOP 1

Consensus elusive on future climate mitigation strategy

This balanced analysis presents news from the 'climate-protection front'.

With Russia blowing hot and cold on ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, the ninth conference of parties COP 9 to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC was reduced to a near non event. The meeting held in Milan, Italy, from December 1 12 and

Will this year s climate change conference be different?

The climate regime needs to get out of the rut it is in
