In this article, the authors compare the practical policy implications that can be derived from the calculation, from 1980 to 2004, of three aggregate sustainability indicators for Madagascar. The chosen indicators are the adjusted net saving (ANS), the genuine progress indicator (GPI), and the ecological footprint (EF). The results are twofold.

Wildlife is the backbone of tourism in Kenya, one of the leading foreign exchange earners for the country. Although wildlife is declining, poverty among communities hosting this wildlife remains endemic.

Nonstate certification programs have emerged as a new tool for steering the use and exchange of natural resources. Yet, despite being innovative, certification remains controversial. Questions surround how best to engage mainstream businesses in certification and respond to the proliferation of schemes.

Fishing down the food chain is a controversial issue that demands further exploration. Redfeed is a marine species located on the second to last level on the food web. It is also one of the potential saviors of the aquaculture industry. The role of effective management of this species is of utmost importance to avoid the potential catastrophe associated with its overharvesting.

Two payment for environmental services programs in the Amazon, namely, Noel Kempff Mercado Climate Action Project in Bolivia and Bolsa Floresta Program in Brazil, have been pioneering initiatives to demonstrate the ability to encourage forest conservation through market mechanisms involving direct payments for avoiding deforestation.

Santiago was one of the first cities outside the OECD to implement a tradable permit program to control air pollution. This article looks closely at the program

To tackle China

Concerns over the status of freshwater availability in the Caribbean region and in particular the eastern Caribbean states have been expressed for at least the past 30 years. There is a growing realization that availability will be vulnerable to extremes of climate behavior and increasing demand for water.

Although China extended the length of compensation for the Upland Conversion Program (UCP), the sustainability of the program after government compensation expires is still a pending problem. This article proposes an alternative scheme of compensation payment based on the carbon sink of the UCP.

This article addresses forestry projects attempting to register with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
