There are 15 distilleries in Tamil Nadu under operation. The distillery effluent (mainly spent wash) is dark brown in colour and acidic in nature. It contains high percentage of dissolved organic, inorganic matter and potassium. Till year 2000 these units had disposed the partly treated effluent on land as fertilizer and stored in lined lagoon for solar evaporation.

Adsorption occupies an important position among the unit operations in wastewater treatment. It exploits the ability of certain solids preferentially to concentrate specific substances from solution onto their surfaces. This paper deals with different adsorption systems as solution to wastewater problems.

Smaller local treatment plants in place of a large central facility allow for considerable economical advantages including the reduction of costly collection infrastructure as well as providing the opportunity for smaller incremental-as-needed expansion phasing.

With the technological advances of small plant performance and reliability, decentralized wastewater treatment plants have now become eminently feasible.

EWT UNR TM MBR system incorporates flat-plate, micro filtration membranes. Since 1990, many wastewater treatment plants have been built based on this technology around the world.

Sand filters treat most of our drinking water supplies, and they are the most common filtration technologies used for waste water, sewage effluent, and grey water recycling and water treatment in general.

BGPPL Unit: Kamalapuram is one of the best unit in South India for manufacturings Dissolving Grade pulp with annual capacity of 98000 TPA, supplying to textile industries. This unit is located in Kamalapuram of Warangal in Andhra Pradesh. This unit has latest state of the art of equipments and entire plant is controlled through DCS (Distributed Control System).

Pulp and paper industry is facing a major problem on account of increasing scarcity of water and stringent discharge norms introduced by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in the form of CREP (Corporate Responsibility for Environmental Protection).

Jerash refugee camp is one of the ten official Palestinian refugee camps located in Jordan. It is inhabited by about 28,000 people who originally fled from Gaza, Palestine, in 1968, as a result of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Wastewater has been used for irrigation in Jordan for several decades.

Addressing food insecurity in resource-poor settings is difficult in any context. However, in protracted refugee camp situations, where people are almost entirely dependant on humanitarian assistance, the challenges are even greater. The development and adaptation of multi-storey gardens has been tried in refugee camps in Kenya with impressive success.
