Unless better management strategies are evolved, water scarcity in the country will only be accentuated by growing industrial and municipal demands.

MADHAV Chitale, former secretary in the ministry of water resources, is a recipient of The Stockholm Water Award, given by the Stockholm Water Foundation for outstanding work in the area of water management. Currently secretary general of the Internationa

Beleaguered as the Capital's authorities are by increasing demand, large scale wastage and heavy, unsustainable subsidies, the need for a more rational water management system assumes urgency.

Israel will run out of drinking water in three years unless the government moves fast to eliminate massive mismanagement of the resource. Israel uses almost 80 per cent of the resources in the area.

Disciplined use of irrigation water can be encouraged by efficient supply at higher rates.

WHATEVER their area of work, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have made the most headway in involving people in managing their natural resources. Says one NGO activist, "Local people are very

As summer peaks and rationing of water begins, Delhi colonies and slums are turning into regular battlefields. Are we going to let one more summer pass and hope the problem will go away? Or are we going to wake up before water wars take over our lives. We discuss with an expert panel on Urban Reality.

Tue, 2015-10-13 (All day)
Wed, 2015-02-04 (All day)
Wed, 2014-10-29 (All day)
