The chance of a La Nina in 2016 has increased in recent weeks, with climate models indicating a 50 percent possibility of the weather event emerging this year, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Authorities are reminding the people to further exercise caution against extreme heat, expecting the Philippines to experience this April twin onslaught of the dry season’s peak and the prevailing
With the global average air temperature of the earth hitting 1°C hotter than it was at the start of the twentieth century, the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) has warned Nigerians to brace u
Japan's weather bureau said on Thursday the El Nino weather pattern, which is often linked to heavy rainfall and droughts, was expected to continue weakening and that there was a high possibility t
Japan's meteorology agency said on Wednesday that the El Nino weather pattern, which is often linked to heavy rainfall and droughts, had somewhat weakened and that the weather would likely return t
When El Nino gives way to its little sister, La Nina, this year, as meteorologists are forecasting, the disruptive weather patterns may still be unable to disperse the bearish clouds that have hung
Climate troublemaker El Niño's strength — already tied for the most powerful on record — will peak within the next month before weakening in the spring, according to a forecast issued Thursday.
Parliament — A total of 85 weather stations will be installed in Uganda over the next two years under a $1m project by the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO) in an effort to tac