This brief from IRENA's Collaborative Framework on Ocean Energy and Offshore Renewables presents actionable solutions to address permitting bottlenecks and accelerate related processes for scaling up offshore wind deployment.

The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) has introduced a draft regulation to revise the deviation settlement policy concerning solar and wind power producers.

This report analyses changes in global electricity generation from January to June 2023, compared to the same period last year, to measure the progress of the global clean energy transition.

The global offshore wind industry delivered its second best year for new capacity ever in 2022, with 8.8 GW of new clean energy connected to the grid around the world, according to the new Global Offshore Wind Report 2023, from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).

The World Bank Group (WBG) launched a new global initiative on offshore wind in March 2019. The offshore wind development program objective is to support the inclusion of offshore wind into the energy sector policies and strategies of emerging market countries and support the preparatory work needed to build a pipeline of bankable projects.

India will add 22 gigawatt (GW) of wind energy capacity in India over the next five years, at the current pace of growth, according to this report published by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and MEC Intelligence (MEC+).

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is optimizing India’s renewable energy potential with the release of new guidelines aimed at promoting the integration of wind and solar power sources. These Guidelines were notified on 21st August, 2023.

The Government of India had announced the National Offshore Wind Energy Policy-2015 on 6th October, 2015. This landmark policy is aimed at fostering the development of offshore wind power within the country, providing a strategic framework for sustainable growth in this sector.

The Ministry of Power (MOP) has published the Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement Power from Grid Connected Wind Power Projects. These guidelines, dated 26th July, 2023 were published on 2nd August, 2023.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Energy deals with action taken by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy on observations/recommendations contained in the Twenty-Seventh Report (Seventeenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee (2021-22) on the subject ‘Evaluation of Wind Energy in India’.
