Calcutta figures high on the list of Asian cities most vulnerable to climate change in a report to be released on Thursday by WWF-International in Gland, Switzerland.
LUCKNOW: Tigers know no boundaries. They keep crossing over from one forest to another along the Indo-Nepal border. The movement of tigers along the border is must if the existing population is to be saved from in-breeding.
Hyderabad, Nov. 2: Himalayan glaciers are receding continuously and significantly says glaciologist Mr Rajesh Kumar of the Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) who conducted a major study on the Himalayas.
NAVI MUMBAI: Human development at Uran taluka in Raigad district is hurting quite a few of its original inhabitants. While quarrying had already disturbed quite a few species, environmentalists are concerned that landfills are uprooting many others from their home.
LUCKNOW: Ghariyals might be in for a new-age monitoring in the state through a technique called biologging. In fact, it would entirely be a new experience for the artificially reared reptilian breed. The state forest department is planning to release ghariyals implanted with a camera and sensory devices in the wild.
This Saturday, 24 October, will be a red-letter day. And for reasons not because the Peace of Westphalia was signed (1648), marking the end of both the thirty years