By promotong rice over coarse grains, the government is promoting food scarcity and defeciency of micronutrients among India’s most malnourished sections

By blindly pushing rice and wheat through the public distribution system (PDS), the government is spreading malnutrition among India’s poor. “The paddy varieties grown in our country mostly contain

It is said the future wars would be fought over the issue of water, not land. Yet Indian government promotes rice, which consumes water, over the dryland friendly grains

Rice and wheat fetch a secure price and subsidies on farm inputs. Coarse grains have no place in the public distribution system, although their value in the international market is rising

Millets have been the traditional staple crop in Japan. "In Japan, more millet was produced than rice until the first year of the Meiji period (1867),' points out Yumiko Otani, who established in

The Himalaya is the youngest range of mountains in the world are immensely prone to earthquakes. The entire range falls in seismic zone 5 and 4 it is highly prone to earthquakes of destructive intensity. The major Indian towns in the Himalaya have all g

India s public distribution system promotes rice and wheat. These water intensive crops require more inputs and are less nutritious as compared to grains like millets that have sustained India for millennia. These blind policies are preparing the countr

Paddy wasn't a familiar crop in Punjab. The state began rice cultivation just to feed the government's public distribution system (PDS), taking advantage of irrigation and price support system. This

The poorest of the poor women from downtrodden communities have ini

Coarse grains are widely grown in harsh fragile and diversified environments where agricultural inputs are scarce. More than two-thirds of the cultivated area in India is rainfed. It contributes 44
