Two major volcanic eruptions have further damaged the CFC affected ozone layer, creating a larger than ever gap in the stratosphere.

Prof Chhatrapati Singh Indian Law Institute Bhagwan Dass Road New Delhi 110 001 Dr Vasudha Dhagamwar Multiple Action Research Group 113-A Shahpurjat New Delhi 110 016 Mihir Desai /

EVEN as J R D Tata, the grand old man of Tata Sons Ltd, called upon people to support the shrimp-farm project at Chilika the Union forests and environment minister Kamal Nath nominated scientists D

Fathers may be responsible for birth defects in their offspring (New Scientist, Vol 136 No 1843). Research using animal models suggests some miscarriages, birth defects and children's diseases can be

Israel will run out of drinking water in three years unless the government moves fast to eliminate massive mismanagement of the resource. Israel uses almost 80 per cent of the resources in the area.

TWICE-DISPOSSESSED Pong dam oustees have urged the Centre to sponsor tripartite talks between their representatives and the BJP governments of Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan to settle rehabilitation

A bacterium that causes botulism can be used to temporarily banish wrinkles (Asian Wall Street Journal, Nov 9, 1992). While treating a patient with dystonia -- a condition characterised by severe

Cubans are embarking on an oil-free future by giving up automobiles for energy-efficient bicycles. Since the withdrawal of Soviet oil supplies in 1990, the number of private autos on the streets of

THE HIGH incidence of bone cancer and leukaemia in western Rajasthan has led doctors to advocate studies be carried out to ascertain whether the 1974 Pokharan nuclear test is responsible in any way.

Dipstick, an inexpensive and quick HIV test developed in the United States, is now being manufactured in India.
