In the year of UNCED, the green movement continued to take tosses in the global context. The perception of the environmental crisis as mainly being a failure of technology and management was only one obstacle. Even more disastrous, UNCED paved the way for

WITH THE dye industry being phased out in industrialised countries because of increasingly stringent effluent treatment and environment laws, the Indian dyes and dye intermediates sector expects to

New studies show large forest areas alone may not be able to counter the effects of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

AND NOW a human gene can be environmental groups call it a "landfound in plants. A Canadian scientist mark decision". has succeeded in adding a human The problem in the affected areas gene -

Northern activists join the South's campaign for equal environmental space for all.

THE CLAIMS courts set up in Bhopal's gas leak-affected areas are rejecting more than half the compensation claims for death due to lack of evidence. Of the 40 courts that were to be set up, only

Tests on mice show that a hormonal antibody inhibits the growth of turnours, giving rise to hopes for a vaccine to treat lung cancer.

THE EUROPEAN Court of Justice has convicted Britain for allowing high nitrate content in drinking water, court upheld an EC complaint that in 28 water supply areas of Britain in 1989, nitrate

Environmental space may be defined as the total quantity of natural resources that can be used on a sustainable basis, for example, the total quantity of carbon dioxide that can be released into the

THE BOMBAY High Court has ruled that bamboo mats are forest produce, thereby contradicting the rulings of both the Gujarat High Court and the additional sessions judge. The pro-forest
