Juice from concentrate: reducing emissions with concentrating solar thermal power
Juice from concentrate: reducing emissions with concentrating solar thermal power

The latest report on Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) power, a renewable energy resource which has a significant potential for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. Explores the scale, potential and barriers of implementing CST in US, India, China and Middle East & North Africa.
This report examines Concentrating Solar Thermal power (CST), a renewable energy resource that presents policy-makers and investors with a significant potential for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector. This report provides a rebuttal to that assertion, outlining the potential groundbreaking role of concentrating solar thermal power (CST) in providing power on the margin of the demand curve, as well as replacing coal at the core of the power mix. If catastrophic climate change is to be averted, then reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion is critical, and displacing coal-fired generation is the preeminent challenge. Given the hurdles facing fast, large-scale deployment of other climate-friendly technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) and nuclear power, large-scale uptake of renewable energy sources such as CST will be critical to the solution.