The ancient tradition that sanctified groves for the common good awaits a voyage of rediscovery.

THERE are some books in the market that need to be reviewed, if only to reveal a racket of converting doctorate theses into so-called specialised books that at times cost the earth. If you thought

The recently held Dhaka summit, sponsored by the Global Infrastructure Research Foundation, addressed the critical question of exploiting the potential of eastern Himalayan rivers and took positive steps towards identifying key projects and consensus on i

VITAL Signs responds to the need for information on the trends that are reshaping our world. It surveys 42 global indicators, such as the decline in per capita availability of food and water,

A unique experiment to involve the people in bringing water to desert communities is under way in Rajasthan.

World AIDS Day in early December saw a rash of programmes on the battle against the disease, with Doordarshan and the satellite channels doing their bit to publicise the enormous degree of education

After six meetings on how to restructure the Global Environment Facility, a consensus remains elusive.

THIS IS not a time for capitalism to Icelebrate. The heady days of 1989 have given way to disenchantment with free markets in the Anglo-American world. The high tide of capitalism has touched the

Pampered European farmers cried foul as the Uruguay Round of GATT raced to a tense finish.

DEVELOPMENT discourse in the post-World War II era centred on social and economic inequality. Rural poverty was linked directly to iniquitous land ownership and it was felt public policy had to take
