There have been many a slip between developing technology and applying it to everyday life

PATRICIA ADAMS attributes the current environmental imbroglio of developing countries to their debt crisis, which has been aggravated by loose lending, corruption and anti-democratic policies.

Wildlife conservationists and social ecologists are sharply divided despite common goals

The state is slowly withdrawing from the welfare sector leaving voluntary organisations in a quandary

Nanuram Rawat was the adhyaksha of the gram sabha in Seed, one of the first gramdan villages where environmental resources have been regenerated through community management

The mother of all summits grabbed a good deal of telecast time recently

BIG PROBLEMS cannot be solved without a big vision. And big visions do not come without big dreams. The Rio conference, which will bring together more heads of state and government than any

An offer of desi ber by a village lad came as a sharp comment on the global politics of biodiversity

Why do women who attempt changes in local land use patterns meet with so much hostility?

ROY, Tisdell and Sen"s book on economic development and the environment is certainly timely, having come out only months before the June UNCED summit at Rio. Interest in the subject is therefore at
