Carbon inventory of Pune city
Carbon inventory of Pune city

The overall emissions generated from the city of Pune in the year 2010-11 were 4,661,064.20 tonnes of CO2e. This translates to about 1.46 tonnes of CO2e per capita in the same year reveals this first-ever carbon footprint report for the city.
Pune is one of the first cities in India to document a detailed carbon emission inventory at the municipal level and by estimating its cumulative and per capita carbon footprint, it has set a unique example. Conventionally, carbon footprint is defined as the accounting of the GHG emissions, resulting from the consumption of fossil fuels through various activities like transport, electricity consumption, and municipal solid waste and sewage degradation. Further, the values of GHG emissions are expressed in terms of CO2 equivalents which help estimate the carbon footprint. The present carbon inventory is carried out for the period 2006–11 to map the overall trend of GHG emissions. However, the specific cumulative emissions and percapita emissions mentioned in the report are for the year 2010-11. The study adopts the methodology as per the guidelines released by the IPCC, UNEP, UN-HABITAT, and the World Bank, to carry out carbon inventories at the national and city levels.
See Also
Report: CO2 baseline database for the Indian power sector.
Report: GHGs emissions 2007.
Plan: Draft Pune city sanitation plan.
Report: Synthesis & assessment report on the greenhouse gas inventories...
Report: CDP in India.
Report: An analysis of health & carbon benefits using integrated air pollution...
Report: Carbon cities climate registry...
Report: Air quality monitoring, emission inventory study for Indian cities.