Green power for electric cars: development of policy recommendations to harvest the potential of electric vehicles
Green power for electric cars: development of policy recommendations to harvest the potential of electric vehicles
The objective of this study is to establish regulatory options for the EU to ensure that climate policies in road transport result in a push for electricity from renewable sources rather than coal and nuclear or unsustainable biofuels. In other words, these options should aim to ensure that electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids can make a maximum contribution to overall greenhouse gas reductions and sustainable transport. The geographical scope of this study is the EU and its member states and its main focus is on the period from now until 2020. However, it will provide electric vehicle scenarios until 2030 to illustrate the potential future growth of the electricity demand for these vehicles. It should be noted that the study focuses on greenhouse gas emissions only. While air quality and noise are subjects not included in this study, they might still be important in the overall assessment of environmental effects.