Road transport in India 2010-30: emissions, pollution and health impacts

This study by Sarath Guttikunda and Puja Jawahar focuses on the energy and emissions outlook for the transport sector in India which could effectively result in a co-benefits framework for better air quality management in the cities & national climate policy dialogue.

This study focuses on the energy and emissions outlook for the transport sector in India which could effectively result in a co-benefits framework for better air quality management in the cities and a national climate policy dialogue.

See Also

Report: Urban air pollution & co-benefits analysis for Indian cities.

Analysis: Urban air pollution analysis.

Opinion: Ponty, buses and PPPs.

Weblink: Public Transport and Mobility.

Study: Air quality monitoring, emission inventory and source apportionment study for Indian cities.

Inventory: Multi-pollutant emissions inventory.

Report: Air quality forecasting system...

Profile: India air quality profile 2010.
