In this report, defined (a) the size of NCAP city airsheds (b) the recommended number of ambient air quality monitoring sites in an airshed (c) the operational sampling frequency to support receptor-based source apportionment studies.

This study by Sarath Guttikunda and Puja Jawahar focuses on the energy and emissions outlook for the transport sector in India which could effectively result in a co-benefits framework for better air quality management in the cities & national climate policy dialogue.

Accelerating growth in the transport sector, a booming construction industry, and a growing industrial sector are responsible for worsening air pollution in Indian cities.

This study under the SIM-air program was initiated with support from the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (New Delhi, India) to better understand the sources of air pollution in the Pune city and to support an integrated dialogue between local pollution management and climate policy in a co-benefits framework.

Accelerating growth in the transport sector, a booming construction industry, and a growing industrial sector are responsible for worsening air pollution in Indian cities.